Sunday 11 October 2015


2.1 Ocular Micrometer

An ocular micrometer is a glass disc with the ruled scale which can fit in eyepiece of microscope. It is used to measure the exact size of an object. It must be calibrated with a stage micrometer to determine the precise distance between the lines of ocular micrometer. The correct method to use the ocular and stage micrometer is rotate one of the microscope eyepiece until the lines of the ocular micrometer are parallel with the lines of stage micrometer. Then, the position of stage micrometer is adjusted until the graduations of the ocular micrometer are superimposed over those of the stage micrometer. The exact distance of each ocular division can be counted by determining the number of ocular micrometer spaces that fall within a given number of stage micrometer spaces. The stage micrometer will be then replaced by the slide with specimen to measure the length and width of that cell.

To measure the dimensions of cell using microscope
To learn the correct method of using ocular micrometer and stage micrometer

Materials and reagents
Microscope fitted with an ocular micrometer, slide micrometer, stained preparations of yeast 

(Refer to lab manual)


The dimension of the yeast
For 10 x objective lens, 1mm is equal to 9.6 ocular divisions
For 40 x objective lens, 0.1mm is equal to 8.0 ocular divisions

The length of the yeast:
8 ocular unit= 0.1mm
0.4 ocular unit= 0.005mm

The width of the yeast:
8 ocular units= 0.1mm
0.5ocular unit= 0.0063mm

In order to measure the size of the cell, the ocular micrometer must be calibrated with stage micrometer to get the correct scale to measure the microorganisms. This is due to the appearance of image in ocular micrometre will not change with the change of magnification but scale on stage micrometre will change with the change in of magnification. In this experiment, parallax errors should be prevented when calibrate the ocular micrometre with the stage micrometer and also each time when measuring the size of the cell.

Through this experiment, we know the importance of using the ocular micrometre in determining the specific size of the cell and the correct method to use it together with stage micrometer. The length of yeast is 0.005mm and the width of yeast is 0.0063mm.


2.2 Neubauer Chamber

The Neubauer chamber (hemocytometer) is a thick crystal slide with the size of a glass slide (30mm x 70mm x 4mm thickness). It is used to count cells and to determine the concentration of cells. The chamber has three parts (central part, upper chamber and lower chamber). At the central part, there is a counting grid on the glass. The upper chamber and lower chamber are the counting areas. There is a special glass cover placed on the top of the Neubabuer chamber which will cover the central area.

Materials and Reagents
Dilutions of yeast cultures, neubauer and coverslip, sterile Pasteur pipettes

(Refer to lab manual)







Total cells in the random 8 boxes
= 10+19+40+23+26+11+28+24

Average number of yeast cells per boxes
=181/ 8
=22.625 cells per boxes

Volume of one box
=0.25mm x 0.25mm x 0.1mm
=6.25 x 10-3mm3
=6.25 x 10-6 ml
After dilution
=6.25 x 10-7 ml

Concentration of cells
=22.625/ (6.25 x 10-7ml)

=3.62 x 10cells/ml

The middle large square has the length of 1mm, width of 1mm and depth of 0.1 mm. Inside the large square there was 16 smaller squares, each with the size of 0.25mm x 0.25mm. About 8 of the smaller square were taken randomly and the cells were counted in each of those smaller squares. The average number of the yeast is 22.625 cells per box. By using the formula of cells concentration, the concentration of the cells is 3.62 x 10cells/ml.

Naubauer Chamber is a special slide made to count the cell in drop of specimen and in estimating the concentration of cell in unit of cell/ml. In this experiment, the concentration of the cell is 3.62 x 107cells/ml.


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